We run outdoor group fitness sessions that deliver results. Clients don’t like to miss our sessions because they are so fun and effective. Our clients are Fit4Dreams and ready for anything for all their lives.
At Fit4Dreams our outdoor fitness sessions are expertly designed so everyone gets the challenge, support and guidance they need. Doing your best is all that counts and everybody’s efforts lifts those around them. Teams form naturally across our programs and results flow because clients want to be a part of them. Fit4Dreams provides flexible solutions for every part of your fitness life.
• Mums Squad helps mums feel amazing. We mind your baby while you get your body back or make it even better providing a safe supportive way to build your fitness foundations.
• Level Up Sessions help you be as fit as you’ve always wanted to be. Sessions are on early for all comers. No matter what your base, we’re aiming for the next level.
• Whole Family Fitness helps bring kids and parents together building bonds, through the magic of sharing your best efforts at training.
• Elite Events deliver running, adventure and swimming breakthroughs with experience of a lifetime events in sight.
• Baby Boomers Sessions help you stay fit, strong and straight ready to improve on your fitness and use it, not lose it!
Be honest, caring and authentic so that people have faith in what we say and know we have their best interests at heart.
David McIlwaine
Fit-to-Wed, Mums Squad, The Fun Squad, No Lip Service, Elite Events, Team Training, Corporate Wellness Programs and Fit4Dreams have all grown from the life-changing experience of David McIlwaine and his desire to help people be fit enough to enjoy the game of life.
David had a great start with extensive support from his family and great experience in swimming, athletics, rugby, rowing and weights training since he was 11 years old. Not a star but a good trier who everyone was happy to help.
Even so, David was always soft around the edges. Worse still as he got older, a couple of kilos settled around his waist every year. “It’s bad genetics” he’d say. Yeah right!
David blew-out from a fit-looking 21-year-old racing around at 72 kilos to a lumbering 30-year-old nudging 90 on the scales. With obesity in the family, David could see how it happens and it was looming on the horizon.
Click here to read the inspirational story published in Inside Sport
A journalist at the time, his solution seemed crazy: Start boxing, make a story out of it and get fit in the process. Despite David’s lack of talent Jeff Fenech, Australia’s three time world champion, allowed him into Team Fenech. Jeff’s head in the trainer Billy Hussein took David under his wing and the transformation began!
Six days a week David trained with the most dedicated and professional sportsmen in the country. The experience was an honour and a privilege. A dietician started David eating properly and he dropped 17 kilos in 6 months. 14 of them peeled off in just three.
At that point Australian Judo Representative Alex Taylor agreed to become David's strength coach and he packed on some muscle as well!
Now David was no great shakes as a fighter. He won one and lost one. You can read all about it in Inside Sport But at 32 years of age he was fitter than at any time in his life and he realised how good it was. What’s more, he thought: “If I can do it, so can anyone!
The motivational key to David’s fitness success was the fact he was fighting. Now clearly that’s not for everyone. So David searched for another driving force.
Soon to be married David found the answer. What about your Wedding Day? It’s more important than any fight night and just as motivating! You want to be ready! You want to look and feel your best!
But before long David was married himself, a baby was on the way and a whole new spectrum of lives challenges presented themselves.
So that's where Fit4Dreams came from. It's about meeting life's challenges and living your dreams. If you ask David he’ll tell you he achieved more than he ever thought possible by using the same programs and support team he’s designed for you.
Experience has taught David you can do more than you expect. That’s what he did and that’s what Fit4Dreams offers.
At Fit4Dreams Julie and I train together. It’s added a whole new dimension to our lives. We’ve made great new friends and are getting fitter by the day. Our kids see us training and working together which is great. They have an absolute ball with the Nannies. Our trainer, David, is fantastic. He effectively tailor makes the sessions so everyone is being pushed to maximise their own particular fitness benefits. I’ve been going for nearly 18 months. We have never done the same session twice. David is always mixing it up. Amazing and motivational.
— Tony
“I was lucky enough to play professional sport for a number of years but once I retired I found it hard to train solo without a goal. Fit-for-Dreams has filled my needs perfectly. Group sessions make training a lot easier. David has helped me tailor my extra training sessions (aka Tuesdays with No Lip Service Sessons + Tuesday 6am Group = Super Tuesdays) to my next goal event. Being able to complete these sessions with other Fit-for-Dreams members (of all fitness levels) has made the whole experience so much more enjoyable. Most recently I completed my second Australian Ironman in Port Macquarie where, thanks to the speed sessions David set up on Super Tuesdays, I was able to shave over an hour off my previous year’s time (30 minutes in the run alone). Fit-for-Dreams is now an integral part of my weekly training and a great way to kick off the week.“
— Nick
"The Elite Events Program not only prepared me physically for the challenge of entering the City to Surf for the first time but also prepared me to overcome some of the mental barriers we all have about what we can achieve. I was supported not only by my trainer and my intense training schedule but also by the personal motivation, experience and success of the other participants. The whole experience was incredibly positive for me."
— Rebekah